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Oregon Coast Vacation's

Embrace Oregon

The time is here to make those great Oregon vacations plans. Have you made your plans to visit Oregon this year? There is much to do in Oregon's seven regions with all its diversity. Embrace Oregon loves showing off Oregon to all its visitors.

Strolling the beach at Seaside, Oregon in February 2018.

Just a couple weeks ago we were on the Oregon Coast. Now you may think that the winter time is not a good time to visit the Oregon Coast. But, it is a great time of the year as well as the summer. Many people love to see the stormy waves coming up on the beach. To stroll the beach for shells and treasure that wash ashore after a stormy night.

The wildlife that appears out of the blue for you to discover can be a highlight. Just like the picture of two Bald Eagles on the beach looking at the ocean. I know this picture is a little blurry because I was a little to far away when I took it. What a wonderful discovery.

So, matter what your plans are for an Oregon vacation. We are here to help you embrace a marvelous time. Give us a call (503) 474-0762.

We do have fun in Oregon!

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